When a company ask for my cv , I will sent them a link of my blog, little by little, like always all my steps are inside....I have experience as coach , and now my new job in BIRDIE ELITE GOLF BEIJING, is as chief referee...
the first tournamet in Jinhua Golf, a course far away from Beijing, one hour by car and twenty kuais in speedway toll. I had lived a new experience, great experience working with this company, the best thing, I am practicing English and Chinese....
more or less 40 people were playing....about 12 o'clock I went for lunch in the barracks, so many people live there, the golf club staff, I asked about this and the answer was....." three hundred"....

"TOOAY" in the card....I corrected all..."today"

In my chinese school,

every Monday at 10 in the morning the rising ceremony of the chinese flag. I can enjoy the children singing....

after this, I can suffer to Rycky Martin singing while the children do physical exercices.....
My mind wasn't staying in the course, my mind was in San Isidro Cementery in Madrid.......
......un beso abuela pepa.
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