La vida como un viaje. Con un punto de inicio y retorno, Carabanchel. Descripcion de lo que sucede delante de mis ojos y delante de las ruedas de Milana, mi bicicleta.
jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009
Free Hotel for Cyclists
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009
Chief referee,..... new job?
the first tournamet in Jinhua Golf, a course far away from Beijing, one hour by car and twenty kuais in speedway toll. I had lived a new experience, great experience working with this company, the best thing, I am practicing English and Chinese....
more or less 40 people were playing....about 12 o'clock I went for lunch in the barracks, so many people live there, the golf club staff, I asked about this and the answer was....." three hundred"....
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009
14th of March
It's the second time that I am staying far way of my family on my Birthday...last year I was in France I was cycling towards 33rd year showed me a lot of things about the life, the same things seem stranger to me, things that I never thought before...and now I can say I am a little different.....I hope that my 34 th year on planet earth will be better than the last one.
the best way to water a putting green
congratulations Dawei!
Later with my friends I was having dinner in a Xinjiang restaurant
Lovely dinner and lovely cake
Thanks Pei Pei the best present for me
Thanks Marcos, Sofia, and SOS community
I will try to learn more chinese and english vocabulary, I will also try to be better......
A great kiss for my grandmom, betwen she and I there are 12 thousand is not important, I am and I will be at her side always.
domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009
Y los domingos al mercaoooooo!
No coment! en medio de la calle, la gente esperando y el "dentista" con el titulo colgado en el arbol de al lado....